Monday, December 31, 2018

Zane and Diesel crew CAMPAIGN LIVE!


Sunday, December 30, 2018

Meet Lola Tequila : Zane and the Diesel Crew

Meet Lola Tequila, The demon sharpshooter, A member of Zane's Diesel crew. She just wanted to remind you that the Indiegogo for "Zane and the Diesel crew" graphic novel goes live January 1st. get ready! (This will be a print for potential backers.) #clem #whoiszane #mikejc

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Meet Clem : Zane and the Diesel Crew

Meet Clem, A member of Zane's Diesel crew. She just wanted to remind you that the Indiegogo for Mike' J. C.s "Zane and the Diesel crew" graphic novel goes live January 1st. get ready! (more of the...I don't know..."Diesel Girls"? to follow soon. #clem #whoiszane #mikejc

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Pizza Thot : Boss X Tips

still practicing digital art. Still drawing OCs of some of my fav artists. this one is Tips and Boss from the awesome artist @acgats hope he likes and let me know what you guys think? guess this would be considered after-hours lol #tips #pizzathot #mikejc #whoiszane

Friday, December 21, 2018

Teer's Marika and Elisa

still practicing digital art. Still drawing OCs of some of my fav artists. this one is Marika & Elisa from great artist @TeeRsDirtyTweet hope he likes it. I asked which character he would like me to draw, he gave me two, so i cheated and picked both. (warning, he is super NSFW, im not kidding, youve been warned lol) #Marika #Elisa #teer #mikejc #whoiszane

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Spider-man:enter the spider-verse

just saw it. it's now one of my favorite films ever made... that is all.
you won't...

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Artist Influence: Robaatox

More digital practice. now I'm doing OCs of artists that are actual influences on me and my "style". this one is @robaatox on twitter and his character Rai. Robaato is signal handedly one of my biggest influences by someone who isn't a comic artist. I've followed him for just under 15 years. He used to help me out a lot, but he stopped talking to me ages ago (i think he ignores people who aren't mutals nowadays since he's really popular now) but my coloring, lineart, anatomy, composition. is all heavily inspired by him.

I've been chasing this man for over a decade lol

He's the Goku to my Vegeta

the Ryu to my Ken

the Yusuke Urameshi to my Kazuma Kuwabara

I love his work and hope to one day catch up to him

Artists influence: Eltonpot

More digital practice. now I'm doing OCs of artists that are actual influences on me and my "style". this one is @eltonpot on twitter and deviant art and his character Mellany Mellons. Ive followed his work for over a decade and my coloring tech and my love of clean lines are due to him. he gave me some coloring advice some years ago and that i use to this day. I'm just getting starting, this is basically the elite of the artist that influence who I am and that im always chasing in terms of artistic skill.

#mikejc #whoiszane

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Zane Diesel MEME

im reveling more and more of my new comic "Zane and the Diesel Crew". The campaign is expected to go live Jan.1. the comic I've written, penciled, inked, and lettered myself. with colors by Leonardo Paciarotti @leoarts on instagram.

but got a fun thing you guys might like! I've made a meme-able pic.

treat it like the Chuck Norris meme, how badass do you think Zane Diesel? be as stupid or awesome as you like!

all I ask is try to use the #whoiszane so i can find em all. id love to see em!


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Tips of Pizza Thot fanart

still practicing digital art. Still drawing OCs of some of my fav artists. this one is Tips from the awesome artist hope he likes and let me know what you guys think?
(warning checking out his twitter, it's super NSFW)

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Jinx_doodle fanart

Fanart i did of an artist i loves' OC 
@Jinx_doodle on twitter

(warning checking out her twitter it's super nsfw lol)

Who is Zane?

Please share, trust me it'll be worth it. More info in the coming days.
#whoiszane #mikejc

Thursday, October 18, 2018

More All digital practice

still working on going all digital but still in the practice phase

Saturday, October 6, 2018

First ALL digital drawing

usually, I draw on paper, then scan in the drawing to work in Photoshop. However i just bought my first tablet display and wanted to get used to using it. So this is my first piece ive done from beginning to end digital.

just drew some rando chick... don't have a name for her so you guys can come up with something if ya want lol

Friday, June 22, 2018

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl pages 2018

Just finished my new sample pages, based on the first pages of Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1

let me know what you guys think :)

these are the before and after of the same pages from 2015

Friday, May 18, 2018

Street Fighter Swimsuit piece

used some of my fav characters (R.Mika, Laura, and Sakura) for this piece for the Udon fanart contest.... hope i make it and get picked... but unlikely considering my luck lol

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Harley Quinn Sample pages

New sample pages featuring the adorable and lovable Harley Quinn... let me know what you guys think!

this is the script I worked from