Friday, March 31, 2017

Journal 53

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor report 18
(The following takes place 1 week after the events known as “No Zero Days”)
[Young woman enters the interview room and salutes]
Young woman: ATTENTION! Captain C. Montgomery Maul entering.
[Maul enters room]
Captain C. Montgomery Maul: I told you already, you don’t have to do that with every room I enter Emily.
Emily: Sir yes sir.
Maul: hello Thomas…I was told to give you a report.
Interviewer: Yes, I called you, I wasn’t aware you would be bringing the…”Contained” with you…
M: Where I go, she goes, you have a problem with that, take it up with your father.
E: Yea, you JERK!!
M: Emily…Superiors…
E Yea, you JERK…sir.
M: Good girl.
I: The memorial is in a few days and I’d rather not have loose contained running around, can you give me your report on them?
E: the entities known as Big Sister #6, 9, and 10, the crazy one, the Hornet one, and the electric one, respectively, are in the wind sir… no trace. We have a lead on Big Sister #1 but as far as we can tell she is still on the move. Big Sister #7 escaped but later came back peacfully. Said she just wanted to see if her old family home was still up and apologized for the inconvenience.
After banishing the creature known as Big sister #0 to god knows where, Big sister #3, the angel one, is back to being missing, which is back to being normal for that thing I guess.
The Big Sisters known as 2, 5, 8, 11 and 12 were all cremated as per Ididian protocols 7. The ashes of Big sister 11 were given to Ididian 5 for them to have a private ceremony.
During the event known as “No Zero Days” 44 of our most dangerous Contained escaped. Myself, Emily, Johnny and a small Unit--
I: your precious black ops team “the Unit”?
M: I have no idea what you’re taking about, sir.
[Young woman looks over the shoulder of our on-site artist]
E: my chest is way rounder than that and you need to work on your line weights and shadows.
E: sorry sir…
M: We plan to hunt down the missing big sisters and the other 44, alive, sir.
I: you and this little freak?
E: yea, him and “freak”, sir.
I: hmmm, fine, then you’ll have company backing level 2.
M: Thank you, sir.
I: That is all, I expect you and the freak to be at the ceremony in the next few days Captain, is that clear?  
M: Crystal, sir.
I: that is all, dismissed.
[Young woman and Maul begin to exit interview room]
I: One more thing… Big Sis--Emily… I was told that before C.J. died you were told something. I’m curious… What were C.J.’s last words to you? That made you draw and summon Big sister #3…
E: Before C.J. let go? Yea, I think about it every night…

“You’re not their monster”

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Journal 52

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.

Survivor report 17
[Door to the interview room is kicked open by unknown smiling man in suit]
Interviewer: Who!?!Wha--
Unknown man: Howdy turd blossom!
Interviewer: oh, I see you survived…Gerald… or would you prefer Mr. [redacted] head of the Ididian Co.?
Mr. [redacted]: either way is fine by me ya little doofus, I see the board put you in charge while I was away. Also heard you tried to kill one of my friends ya little shit.
I: Yes, he had info that was detrimental to public saf--
M: BLAH BLAH POOT POOT FART!!! First let me talk to this doll over here
[Mr. [redacted] dashes to interview stenographer]
So what ya got going after this babe? How bout you, me, and this bottle of SUPER WINE!! Make some fun memories! WINK!
[Mr. [redacted] reveals a bottle of wine seemly out of nowhere, his advances are ignored he then looks over stenographer shoulder]
“reveals a bottle of wine seemly out of nowhere, his advances…” Awwww you guys suck EL.OH. EL
[Mr. [redacted] throws bottle over shoulder at wall]
You have to type everything I do? Also why do you keep writing [in mock robot voice] “REDACTED” on my last name… it’s LITERALLY the same as the company. Plus I thought you guys did that after anyway, so that means every time I say my name you have to put [in mock robot voice] “REDACTED”?
Mr. [redacted] Mr. [redacted] Mr. [redacted] Mr. [re3dacted] Mr. [redacted] Mr. [redacted] Mr. [redacted] Mr. [redacted] Mr. [redactdaed] Mr. [reseddacted] Mr. [reddsacted] Mr. [redacted] Mr. [redadsdcted] Mr. [redacdsed]
[Mr. [redacted] looks over my shoulder]
Ohhhhh ya messed up a few times, give me a kiss and I won’t tell your boss
[Mr. [redacted] looks over stenographer’s shoulder again, not realizing the stenographer will clock him if he refuses to stop hitting on her]
“Over stenographer’s shoulder again, not realizing the stenographer will clo--“ jeez tough crowd, hey who is that guy over there?
[Points to interview on-site artist]
Hey!!! Draw me doing this!!!
[Makes stupid pose, then walks over to look over his shoulder]
LAME!!! You even have to block out my face!??!! GAWD I hate what you and the board have done to this place Tom Tom.
I: please don’t call me that, and the board is merely concerned with public safety.
M: enough to try and have me killed again Idiot face?
I: The board and I have no idea what you’re ta--
M: Can it Butt-head, I might be immortal, but you and the board know as well as I do that I can be killed, this makes what… the fifth attempt in the last 62 years. I refuse to let you idiots turn MY company into military for hire.
I: Sir, these calms are unfounded and--
M: with me out of the way, the board would get free reign over everything, not happening today or any other day ya communist faggot!! I mean, what was it, about 500 people killed, over a hundred contained, just to get at me.
I: I have no idea what you’re talking about, sir.
M: Hey, Ding dong face, I had “the Unit’ investigate Big sister #1, seems 3 weeks before this whole thing went down you had a conversation with her. Smart move cutting all the cam feeds… Guessing it was just coincidence that right after you leave and cams come back on she just so happens to know she can use her gravity abnormality to hit pressure points and basically control minds, I’m guessing it was also coincidence she found out she could mentally communicate with some of the Big sisters huh? Maybe plan a coordinated attack? hmmmmmm But im no Dick Tracy i--
I: who?
M: Shut up ya little cum toaster!! I’m no Dick Tracy, but that shit don’t add up. Now I’m sure you might not have planned on all this chaos going down, but you and your boys set all this up I’m betting, funny coincidence all the Big Sisters were transferred to my building where I’m stationed with my sick bachelor pad for “repairs on cells” and no one thought to tell me… I was half way through Harvest Moon when this shit went down ya little asshat!
Lucky me Captain C. Montgomery Maul and C.J. found and saved me, oh and by the way I reinstated his rank you little Fart bucket!
I: I have no i--
M: I can’t demote you because you’re on the board, but I know, you know, that I know, that you knew, that I knew, that I know, that you know, that you knew, that Maul would come and find me first and protect me with his life… Guessing you’ve been asking everyone where he was huh? Find him, find me?
I: I have no ide--
M: also, I’m using my Alpha executive privilege to remove Emily, Big sister 4, from the big sister list… She will be raised, trained, and cared for by C. Montgomery Maul from here on out. Corporal Johnathon “Johnny” Hicks, 4th brigade, Unit Ididian 6 will be moved to second in command under C. Montgomery Maul and receive a purple heart for bravery (I knew teaching him that damn passcode everyday would save him). C.J. is to be memorialized in all our buildings as a hero, also give C.J.’s family a purple heart. Tell them C.J. died saving us all. Are we clear son?
I: yes…Dad
M: good, time to get back more involved with the company and set us back to what our original goals were and the reason I started the company…Which arrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee… [looks at interviewer]
I:Ididian, To secure, Contain, and prot--
M: NOPE [makes loud “BUZZING” noise] it’s to find HAWT Monster girls with big sexy boobs!!! Go on…
I: [interviewer sighs] to find hot monster girls with big sexy boobs, sir.
M: good! Also you’re adopted.
I: you, me, and mom, rest her soul, know that’s not true.
M: Doesn’t matter, [Mr. [redacted] moves to exit] EAT A BAG OF DICKS SON!!! SEE YOU AT CHRISTMAS DINNER YA DOUCHENOZZLE!

“No Zero days” death count is estimated to be 499 and 183 Contained at this point.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Journal 51

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor report 16
Interviewer: Please state your occupation.
Survivor 16: Corporal Johnathon “Johnny” Hicks, 4th brigade, Unit Ididian 6, sir
[Interviewer pauses and double checks notes]
I: You’re… “Johnny One”… You’re the sole survivor of the Ididian 6 massacre?
S16: Sir, yes, I had my headphones on at the time and did not hear Big Sister #6, aka Contained #687679, speak into the intercoms. Saved my life. Sir.
I: I thought you were on leave after those events with honorable discharge? You must have seen some horrible things.
S16: yes, sir, I did. I volunteered for the security detail of Big Sister #6, aka Contained #687679, to Ididian 7. So many of my friends died, felt like the right thing to do, to add closure to the events that transpired at Ididian 6 and for myself, sir.
I: So that makes you the survivor of two horrifying events under Ididian?
S16: Sir, yes, sir. At the very least I was able to make sure I wasn’t the sole survivor this time, sir.
I: So I’ve heard, seems you and First Lieutenant C. Montgomery Maul--
S16: Captain Montgomery Maul with all due respect sir.
I: ummm yea, you two seemed to have saved a lot of lives in th--
S16: Sir, no sir.
I: excuse me?
S16: It was I, Captain Montgomery Maul, Gerald, Emily, formally Big sister #4, and…and C.J..
I: can you elaborate.
S16: Maul and C.J. saved me during the initial break out, after days of helping people in the building, we discovered that Big Sister #1 had created a danger level 5 being; she had hopes of using it to destroy Ididian Co. and eventually this dimension. Maul somehow got in contact with his black ops team that entered the building through unknown means. Maul’s plan was simple, him and his Unit would distract Sister #1, while C.J. Gerald, and I, would sneak around the building and find Emily’s pencil. Maul’s plan was to use Emily’s abnormality to “draw” all the big sister’s out of existence. Due to several traumas suffered during the initial break out, Emily refused to draw. It was C.J. who came up with the thought to get her drawing materials to maybe get her to draw again.
The plan went smoothly till, during the distraction, Sister #1 figured out our plan and “activated” somehow Big sister #0. Maul grabbed the pencil and informed us all to get to the roof where the fight was less likely to harm those hiding in safe rooms below. Sister 0, fought Maul’s Black Ops team to the roof, however the integrity of the top floors began to give way, two members of the Black ops team fell to the ground. I was able to grab Maul, who grabbed C.J. and Emily. While the remaining members of the black ops and Gerald distracted Sister 0, I tried to pull them up…
However the weight was too great and I could not hold on, I believe C.J. realized this, told Emily something I couldn’t make out over Maul screaming for them to hang on. C.J. then bit Maul’s hand forcing him to let go…
[Corporal Johnathon “Johnny” Hicks pauses, clutching his helmet]

C.J. saved us all. I was able to pull them all up after this. Maul got Emily the Pencil and she thought for a few seconds while sister 0 raised hell around us. I provided cover fire while she drew, I then looked down and saw she her in tears drawing Big Sister #3 (the angel one) fighting Big Sister #0.

At this point there was a flash of light, and all I remember is being woken up by Ididian security among some rubble several miles away.
I: that’s quite the story soldier…
S16: sir, yes, sir.
I: As far as this is concerned, have you told anyone else…
S16: sir, no sir.
I: Then I’m initiating Ididian protocol 62.
[Several armed guards enter room with guns drawn]
S16: no, P-62 isn’t for this!! I’ve done nothing wrong… You can’t cover this up!! Everyone in Ididian went through this.
[Three guards grab Corporal Johnathon “Johnny” Hicks and drag him away]

I: True, but not everyone saw what you have, and I can’t have someone knowing Ididian created several of the Big Sisters. Thank you for serving your country solider, I’ll be sure the president speaks at your fune--
[Corporal Johnathon “Johnny” Hicks is punched in gut by guard]
S16: he said you would do this… That the company was beyond him… Well f[redacted] you Thomas…
I: How do you kn--
S16: IDIDIAN PASS CODE#1876082082892-0 ALPHA 3!!!!!
S16: Go f[redacted] yourself Thomas… You and your little rat backers have stained the purity of Ididian.
[Corporal Johnathon “Johnny” Hicks is knocked out by a guard]
Unnamed Guard: what should we do?
I: Whoever told him that pass just saved his life, and I’m pretty sure I know who. Put him in the brig till we decide what to do with him.

“No Zero days” death count is estimated to be 499 and 183 Contained at this point.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Another D&D Commission

Taking a break from "the Ididian Journals" tonight, had to work on a commission for a friend. so just posting that back to normal tommorow

Sunday, March 26, 2017

another D&D Commission

Taking a break from "the Ididian Journals" tonight, had to work on a commission for a friend. so just posting that

Journal 50

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor report 15
[ at 21:30 while cleaning the rooftop area of Ididian 7, the following drawing was found.]
Interviewer: for the record, I want to point out the drawing appears to be of Big Sister #3 fighting Big Sister #0; however it should be noted the style is different from the other “The Ididian Journals” entries… Something is on the back…

[at this point interviewer drops the drawing]
I: for the record, the image was not drawn by missing artist C.J. Lechaim… the back says…

“for C.J.
Thank you for showing me I was more than just a “Big Sister”
 I’ll never forget you.
-Emily “

“No Zero days” death count is estimated to be 499 and 183 Contained at this point.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Journal 49

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.

Survivor report 14
[at 21:00 after cleaning and investing the surrounding area of Ididian 7 several burnt papers and a journal were found. Interviewer #14324 was immediately notified; the Journal contained the following drawings (cleaned up for note purposes) and Journal entries. These Journal entries will hereby be known “The Ididian Journals” They will be redacted and sent to next of kin if no body or survivor is found of a one C.J. Lechaim. This was the last entry in the journal…]

Journal 49
This is it, The Unit have gotten in, (looks like Maul wasn’t going crazy, son of a bitch really had a black ops team, owe him a drink if we get through this) It’s all led to this, we’ve been in this hell for what seems like a week, helping any and all we could on the way. Sister #1 has created some creature named Big Sister #0; she used the same process that Ididian used to create herself for catching other contained, but Maul says she twisted it to make something more powerful and horrifying. If that thing manages to get to the roof and get into the population, that’s the end of everything… Me, Gerald, and Johnny (the SRC agent we met) are to protect Big Sister #4, no, I mean Emily. Everything revolves around getting her that damn pencil. Damn fate of the world falls on the shoulders of a young girl, and a damn pencil.
I don’t get it, but she can’t draw without it for some reason, apparently Sister #1 knows this… Im sure it has something to do with her confidence or something, but this poor girl has been through and seen so much I can’t begin to figure how to help her. This might be the best idea we got.
After we get it, M--
[Burns on the pages make this part unreadable]
Then maybe I can leave this place with a nice severance package (imagine that huh lol).
Okay, Maul is in mental contact with some woman named “Ms. Hammerhead” (I just cannot get used to her talking into my head) they are about to head out. Me and Gerald are gonna get Emily to the roof; Johnny is gonna cover us till we make it. Gotta try to avoid the middle floors again (after almost losing Maul and Gerald to whatever was on floor 18 we gotta avoid it like crazy) and take the outside stairs to the roof. Someone named “Ms. Brickhouse” is gonna (punch?) a hole to the outside on floor 13 where the metal surrounding the building is weakest to get us outside. There Maul is going to pass off the pencil and we go from there.

Well I guess that’s it… I’m leaving this here, honestly didn’t think I would survive this long… Actually, none of us should have survived this long, even Maul (although I’m sure he’ll never admit it) without us all working together. All those who gave everything to get us to this point; like Elev-- Sam and the others, gotta make sure they didn’t die for nothing.
Decided to calm my nerves by doing one more drawing, one of Maul… I find it endlessly funny that the man doesn’t see himself as the badass hero he really is. Hell, ya know what, guess I’ll finally put my signature on this one, never put them on the other damn ones, why not. lol

Funny enough, I find myself mostly thinking, not of my family, my current situation, or even about my life, but of my puppy, Daisy… I hope the auto feeder lasted this whole time… Probably thinks I abandoned her… Just hope maybe Mrs. Bethal came to collect rent or check on me or something and found her…(I kinda miss Mrs. Bethal’s nosiness now and always checking in on me haha)

Funny the things we think of at the end huh?

Anyway, love you Mom, and tell Harry to go back to school, I might not say it enough, but I hope he knows that w-- no, I believe in him…

Love, C.J. Lechaim

Friday, March 24, 2017

Harley sketch

sorry, no Ididian Journals today...

had to work a concert with my comic shop and it went on way longer than i expected, so here is a sketchof harley i did at the show.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Journal 48

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor 13
Interviewer: Please state your occupation.
Survivor 13: Why? Thought you guys had those o--
I: This is for the record Mrs. [redacted]
S13: oh, well, ummmm, I work in sanitation for Ididian 7.
I: So you mentioned in your statement to the SRC investigators when they found you that you were in the R&D department, can you tell me how you got there?
S13: yea, a big stone contained punched me and my co-worker’s safe room door, we were captured and put in these tubes/tanks in the R&D department. I was fading in and out of consciousness so my recollection of events is a little hazy…
I: okay, fair enough, I’ll start with something simple am sure I already know the answer to. Did you at any point come into contact with First Lieutenant C. Montgomery Maul?
S13: yes
I: okay, next question, did-- excuse me, did you say “yes”
S13: ummm, yea
I: okay this is great, what did he say to you, where is he now?
S13: oh nothing like that, him and like, I think 4 other guys were touching my glass to get a better look at me. Maul put his finger over his mouth to sign to stay quiet, I couldn’t make it out completely but I thought he said “don’t worry, we’ll save you”. I passed out again after that, I don’t know how long. At this point I awoke again but my tube and several others were either tilted over or smashed. I saw Big Sister #1 talking to Maul and 4 others…
I: can you describe them please?
S13: I can’t really remember them outside of Maul, sorr-- Oh wait, there was a red head, one guy had big hands I think, and this one girl had massive ti--
I: okay, I think I know who you’re talking about, go on.
S13: I awoke in the middle of Big Sister #1 talking and she was huffing and breathing really hard like she had just run a marathon or been in a fight or something. She was saying she refused to lose to him or something, that she almost killed him before and would finish him and his little team this time. She then raised her hand; I don’t recall what happened next cause I passed out again I think. The next time I awoke Sister #1 was screaming about how “they created her” and “you’re not better”… I don’t remember what she said after that part, but she mentioned “They want to see power, they’ll see Big Sister #0”. Then there was flash of light from an explosion and I was knocked out.
I: That’s all you recall?
S13: yes sir, sorry I couldn’t be more help.
I: you were great Mrs. [redacted], your husband is waiting for you in the visiting center, after we get this all sorted you’ll be able to see him. Ididian sent out a press release that this was a chemical accident and all the employees had to be held for testing, it should go without saying, you are to keep this cover. This is confidential level Alpha 1-0
S13: GOD!!! Okay, okay, no worri-- wait I remember something…
I: please, go on…
S13: before that flash of white happened, Maul turned to the other guys, I might be misquoting it but he said something along the lines of…

“No matter what she says, we’re more than a team, we’re family...and we go together…”

“No Zero day” death count is estimated to be 451 and 157 Contained at this point.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Journal 47

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor 12
Interviewer: Please state your occupat--
Survivor 11: WHO THE [redacted] CARES!?!?! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!???
I: um, this is for the recor--
I: You saw First lieutenant C. Montgomery Maul? What was he do--
I: there was extensive damage to the building’s rooftop, we noticed. Are you saying it was caused by Maul and this contained?
I: with all due respect how would yo--
I: I know sir; I just need you to ca--
I: I’m sorry wait, slow down, what was he cha--
[survivor 11 stands up knocking over interview table]
I: Get security in here, sedate him, hurry!
I: Hurry up, pin him down, something is wrong with him; don’t hurt him, get him to--
[Survivor 11 pushes one of the SRC agents into the interviewer, a second SRC agent sedates him from behind]



SISter ze--

“No Zero day” death count is estimated to be 451and 157 Contained at this point.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Journal 46

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.

Survivor 11
Interviewer: this interview will have to be different as survivor 10 did not want to be quoted on the record but was willing to explain what she had seen. The interviewee in question was a nun from Ididian 9; she was holding up in a safe room with several other nuns for most of the events known as “ No Zero days”. She explained they spent most of the time praying and waiting for help. After several days with no disturbances the door to their safe room was ripped open and they were attacked my Big Sister 10 ( the electrical one).

At this point she says Big Sister 10 was intercepted by two unknown combatants, one was a redhead with a headband (I’m assuming Ms. hamerhead of the Unit), the other she described as a large bald man with an “iPad” or something on his arm. She said they had no difficulty dodging her lightning strikes till the red head one mentioned that she could not “connect with its mind” or something to that effect. At this point she says the bald one accessed his arm iPad thing and summoned a spell to lock Big sister 10 in place.

At this point, and she swears to this, she recognized him use a level 18 spell cast that “exploded” Big Sister 10. For the record, a level 18 spell is considered hypothetical in terms of magic users, most magic such as teleportation and transmutation, range around level 4-6. The last known person to use magic this powerful was the magician Merlin, whom to date Ididian has not proven the existence of.
They then asked if They had seen First lieutenant C. Montgomery Maul. they responded they had not; Ms. Hammer then asked if They knew how to get to the R&D floor. To which they replied no. They got them to another safe room that had some people in it already and left.
So from what I can gather “the Unit” must have been called in to assist Maul and rescue the head of Ididian Mr. [redacted]. However, I’ve yet to deduce why they want to get to the R and D department… based on earlier interviews it’s where big sister 1 was held up, but isn’t priority to find and rescue the head of the company?

Questions upon questions, further investigation is required…

“No Zero day” death count is estimated to be 324 and 147 Contained at this point.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Journal 45

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor 10
Interviewer : Please state your occupation.
Survivor 10: huh, why? Who are you?
I: This is for the record Mr. Jim [redacted]
S10: I see, well, I was a supervising security guard, level high… After a situation came up, I was demoted to sanitation at Ididian 8.
I: I see, it says you… [Interviewer pauses] you [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] several contained? How are you even still with this company?
S10: being Friends with the head of Ididian has its benefits.
I:Uh huh, and where were you when the event known as “No Zero days” began?
S10: I was brought back to Ididian 7 to help with the waste of Big Sister 11 (the giant one) as several of the recent pigs she had eaten had given her diarrhea. When the shutdown happened I just happened to be in a safe room cleaning myself off from one of her recent messes. I was there for several days with 4 other survivors.
I: Did anything of note happen?
S10: yea, a few days in, these 2 fellas knocked down our door while fighting 2 of the big sisters--
I: Fighting?
S10: yea, Big Sister 12, the robot, and the one made of hornets--
I: Big Sister 9?
S10: yea, that’s the one. So these two were brawling with them and --
I: Can you describe the combatants?
S10: ummm yea, one guy had these big ol’ gloves on and goggles and was shooting like, lasers maybe, from his hands. The other was a short half orc half elf girl with huge honkers. I’ve handled enough contained to recognize a half breed when I see one. They were wearing what seemed to be variations of the SRC uniforms, I assumed since we were in lockdown they must be part of “the unit” I’d never seen them before, but I’d heard stories. You know them?
I: one of them, unfortunately, yes. Please continue?
S10: The one with the laser hands kept blasting the hornet creature till it dissipated and the remaining hornets fled. I noted that he was counting, like counting really fast, as he was killing the hornets, I’m not sure why. The short Halfling was fighting the robot one and managed to overpower it by punching its lower body clean through and rip its head off. Afterwards, the combatants apologized for smashing down our door and offered to escort us to another safe room. On the way, the short orc/elf girl asked me if I had seen Captain C. Montgomery Maul--
I: First Lieutenant…
S10: demoted huh? Anyway, she asked me if I had seen him. I replied that I had not; she then asked if I knew how to get the R&D floor. I gave her the directions I remembered from when I used to work there and she thanked me. They got us to another safe room that had some people in it already that let us in and they left.
I: Did she tell you why they needed to get to the R&D floor or why they were looking for Maul?
S10: No, no they did not.
I: That will be all, you’ve been very cooperative, and I’ll see if maybe I can get you better accommodations when all this is sorted out as a thank you for your compliance.
S10: I don’t really give a shit about that, I got what I deserved, but there was a kid I used to work, low level security guard, named J.C... You find ‘em? Are they okay?
I: Many, Many, many people made it out alive thanks to the safe rooms; is this personal phone number on file?
S10: the 257 number? Yes.
I: If I hear anything I’ll give you a call, but if you hear anything from other survivors about First Lieutenant Maul, call me, [interviewer hands survivor 10 a card], deal?
S10: deal… J.C. was a good kid, wanted to be an artist of all things, just hope everything turned out okay for ‘em.

“No Zero day” death count is estimated to be 324 and 146 Contained at this point.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Journal 44

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Interview 9
Ididian CSI: Sir, we found Big Sister 8 and Big Sister 5.
Interviewer: That’s great; ill alert Ididian 8 that we found thei--
CSI: They’re dead sir…
I: God dammit… What happened?
CSI: Well we’ve been investigating the middle floors of Ididian 7 where there were no survivors found… well; do you have a weak stomach sir?
I:Ummm, no?
CSI: okay… So we were able to clean out enough of the bodies to make it floor 18. On the floor we found, well, many dead bodies. Our investigators, whom are trained professionals with years of experience might I add, started getting sick. We noticed at this point that the bodies were all headed in the same direction, as we got closer to the source we began to get sicker and the bodies grew more numerous.
When we got to the center we found Big Sister 5 clutching Big Sister 8. Both dead.
I: These are the ones with the Pheromone and gender swapping abilities correct? What happened?
CSI: best we can tell, from the holes in Big Sister 8 --
I:Holes? Was she shot?
CSI: No, the holes were all exit wounds from the body, not entry wounds. As best we can tell she was eaten and devoured from the inside out. She was missing most of her organs; we believe she was killed by the entity known as Big Sister 9--
I: the one made out of bees?
SCI: Made of Japanese giant hornets, yes, we found some dead around the floor. Piecing together the events you have discovered so far with the crime scene evidence, it looks like when Big Sister 9 got loose at the beginning of “No Zero Days” and went on a killing rampage, this included Sister 8.

At this point however, in the panic of the building shut down, Big sister 5 went to find her sister not knowing she was already dead. In her panic her Pheromone abnormality went into overdrive in response to her raised adrenaline levels. Causing at least 12 deaths by orgasms, it was during this point she found her sisters dead body.
This is where we are speculating as our boys can’t get closer to the bodies yet to move them. But Sister 5 began to drag Big sister 8’s body--
I: dragging? Why?
CSI: again we won’t know till we can get closer to the bodies to move it, even dead her pheromone power seems to be in some sort of “dulled” active state. Seems to be making my men sick when around them for prolonged periods of time…
Following the blood trail it seems like Big Sister 5 became too tired to carry her any more than just gave up and sit there… Best we can tell without an autopsy, she just sit there with her sister for the entirety of the “No Zero Days” event--
I: the whole thing?!?! She didn’t move?
CSI: not an inch, looks like she just mourned over her sister and let herself starve to death. However after her death, her pheromone ability was not kept in check and all those from 17 , 19 , [redacted] and 22 were drawn to point on floor 18 were she died, the closer they got, well, it seems many of them exploded, orgasmed to death, suffered brain aneurisms, and well, we aren’t sure how some of them died… it would explain why the floors surrounding 18 were empty of both contained and survivors. They were drawn to her body like flies…
I: how many?
CSI: Hundreds, sir.
I: God… okay, keep me informed if you discover anything else…  
CSI: we did find this in the hands of Big Sister 5, one of my men grabbed it before he threw up in his containment suit and we had to drag him out. [a piece of paper in evidence bag is handed to interviewer]
I: [interviewer takes paper and reads] hmmm… I see. I will read what the piece of paper says aloud for the record, I should point out it appears to be written in blood …
“Never without you”

“No Zero day” death count is estimated to be 324 and 145 Contained at this point.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Journal 43

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor 8
Interviewer: Please state your occupation.
Survivor 8: That information is classified, sir.
I: Oh god, not this again…
S8: You talk to Ms. Hammerhead already, sir?
I:Yes [interviewer takes off his glasses and sighs]
S8: then yes, I guess it’s this again, sir.
I: God dammit, I know you are a member of Ididian’s Strike elite Team, I.s.e.T. also known as “the Unit” Your name is… [Interviewer pauses] all your personal info is blacked out also, why I am not surprised… your I.s.e.T. codename is… “Ms. Brickhouse”
S8: That information is, to quote Mr.[redacted], “none of your damn business, and to--“
I: I swear to God if you say “eat a bag of dicks”, I will flip this damn table.
S8:”eat a bag of dicks” sir.
I: GOD DAMMIT!!! [Interviewer slams table]
I: Who called you in?
S8: Classified, sir.
I: Did you at any point come into contact with First Lieutenant C. Montgomery Maul?
S8: Classified, sir.
I: How long were you there?
S8: Classified, sir.
I: Oh my god, what is with you people? At least explain why you’re so beat to shit.
S8: I’d like to see you look any better after being dropped 237 floors…sir
I: Ididian 7 doesn’t have that many floors.
S8: I was briefed by an Alpha 1 clearance, sir. With orders to quote, “Not tell you shit”, sir.
I: I didn’t even ask a quest-- Okay, okay, calm down. Your file is almost entirely blacked out, but are you some kind of Orc or troll, some kind of elf? You’re clearly not human  
S8: was it the ears, height, or gigantic [redacted] that gave it away? Really observant there, sir.
I: [interviewer sighs] God in heaven… You have to answer my to serve my investigation!
S8: Are you head of the Ididian Corporation, Mr. [redacted], sir?
I: no
S8: Are you Captain C. Montgomery Maul, sir?
I: First Lieutenant, and no
S8: are you David Beckham’s penis, sir?
I: [interviewer takes off glasses to rub his eyes]… no
S8: Then until you become one or all those things, all that information is, to quote Mr.[redacted], “none of your damn business, and to eat a bag of dicks” sir.  
I: god dammit…

“No Zero day” death count is estimated to be 201 and 44 Contained at this point.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Journal 42

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor 7
Interviewer: Please state your occupation.
Survivor 7: huh, why?
I: This is for the record Mr. [redacted]
S7: I see, well, I’m an assistant with Human resources.
I: can you tell me of any peculiar events that happened to you in your time trapped in Ididian 7 during the event known as “no Zero days”?
S7: I was on the ground floor when everything went down and my office is right next to a Safe room, me and a few other assistants held up in there for a few days before that big stone creature smashed our door down.
I: Big Sister 7?
S7: I guess; I don’t exactly know what they call them all.
I: so what happened at this point?
S7: we tried to put the door back, 5 escaped contained jumped us, while this was happening Big Sister 7 punched a wall and made an opening to the outside.
I: Was she trying to escape?
S7: she just stopped moving and sit down…then went to sleep, I should point out this is all happening while me and my friends are being attacked. At this point 4 people wearing what looked like Ididian Issued SRC uniforms came in through the hole.
I: was one of them a redhead with a headband?
S7: yea, uh how you know?
I: I just interviewed her before you, it’s nothing to worry about, carry on please.
S7: At this point the short one of the group that walked in ran to us and punched each of the contained attacking us with enough force to explode them all, it was all happening so fast. They didn’t speak; they were nodding and making hand gestures to each other like the other SRC agents I’ve seen. 3 of them moved further into the building up the stairs. The red head stayed back and patted the sleeping Sister 7 on the head; she said something about, thanking her for using her head for a while and to let her rest. She then turned to me and asked us if at any point we had come into contact with Captain C. Montgomery Maul?
I: I’m assuming you hadn’t
S7: correct, I explained that to her, she thanked us for our time and snapped her fingers… At this point me and my friends remember being woken up outside another safe room by some survivors inside. They said they heard a knock on the door saying they were humans and when they opened the door they found us unconscious.
I: is that all; did you see the 4 strangers again and would you be able to describe them for my artist?
S7: no sir and yes, I’ll try. the rest of my time was spent in the new safe room with other survivors until you found us. May I ask, were those guys “The Unit”?
I: the what?
S7: we told the other survivors in the new safe room what had happened and they mentioned hearing of a team spoken only in whispers, completely off the books, trained at Ididian 10 and 8 by C. Montgomery Maul, apparently they are the best of the best among SRC, all with abnormalities. Heard Ididian only brings them out if extinction of the human race was imminent… Is it true? Did they save all of us?
I: That’s what I intend to find out…

“No Zero day” death count is estimated to be 201 and 44 Contained at this point.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Journal 41

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor 6
Interviewer: Please state your occupation.
Survivor 6: That information is classified, sir.
I: excuse me, ma’am?
S6: Classified, sir.
I: okay… Officer, for the purposes of this investigation I have a clearance level Alpha 2, you can tell me this information.
S6: I was briefed by an Alpha 1 clearence, sir. With orders to quote, “Not tell you shit”, sir.
I:Alpha 1?... That’s… You were briefed by the head of Ididian!?! Mr.[redacted]?!?!
S6: I can neither confirm nor deny that information, sir.
I: okay, for the record, your files show you as a member of Ididian’s Strike elite Team, I.s.e.T. Your name is… [Interviewer pauses] all your personal info is blacked out… your I.s.e.T. codename is… “Ms. Hammerhead”?  You have an abnormality of… “Retrocognitive Telepathy”? Can you please elaborate on that?
S6: I can neither confirm nor deny any of that information, sir.
I: your unit was sent in an undisclosed time after “No Zero days” began, how big a unit did you go in with?
S6: That information is, to quote Mr.[redacted], “none of your damn business, and to eat a bag of dicks” sir.
I: So you admit you had contact with Mr.[redacted]
S6: I can neither confirm nor deny that information, sir.
I: [interviewer makes audible sigh] okay, okay, then can you at least tell me why does your file have this artist rendering of Big Sister #1, along with a “mission briefing” that is, and I want this on the record, COMPLETELY BLACKED OUT!?! [Interviewer throws several papers at SRC agent aka Ms. Hammerhead]
S6: I was briefed with orders to quote, “Not tell you shit”, sir.
I:Who called you in?
S6: Classified, sir.
I:How long were you there?
S6: Classified, sir.
I: Did you at any point come into contact with First Lieutenant C. Montgomery Maul?
S6: Classified, sir.
I: Is your name not, Samantha Hurt?
S6: … That is information you are not cleared to have, how do you ha--
I: Tut, tut, tut, you’re not the only one privy to classified information Ms. Hammerhea--, opps, im sorry, I meant Ms. Hurt.
S6: …
I: Now, what can you tell me about your team and their mission into Ididian 7 during the event known as “No Zero days”?
S6: …
I: well?!?!
S6: That information is, to quote Ms. Hurt, “none of your damn business, and to eat a bag of dicks” sir.
I: This interview is over, you are relived officer…

“No Zero day” death count is estimated to be 193 and 39 Contained at this point.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Journal 40

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.

Survivor 5
Interviewer: Please state your occupation.
Survivor 5: huh, why? Who are you?
I: This is for the record Mr. [redacted]
S5: I see, well, I’m a security guard, level mid…
I: Okay and where were you when the event known as “No Zero days” began?
S5: I was walking my shift on hall 32 b on floor 11. Checking on the contained, the power went out and me and my coworker on shift with me at the time, [redacted] che-- [subject stands up knocking over chair] Where is [redacted] is she okay, she was with me when we were captured is she okay.
I: we don’t know yet, we are still accounting for everyone… please sit down.
S5: okay, okay, [subject whispers something inaudible to himself as he sits down] okay, me and [redacted] got to one of the safe rooms, we were the only ones there, we theorized cause everyone was on the lower floors wanting to see what Big Sister 1 looked like. With the food and water we held out for, I think, maybe a couple days.
I: your files say you were found in a--water testing chamber?
S5: yes, I don’t remember when, but our door was punched in by that big stone creature-
I: Big Sister 7?
S5: yea, but she didn’t come in she was just walking down the halls punching walls and stuff. Without the door to protect us we decided to make it to another safe room, however we were caught by several contained that I think Big Sister 1 had released to capture Captain C. Montgomery Maul--
I: First Lieutenant
S5: yea, whatever, we were caught by the contained and knocked out. When I awoke I was in a tube filled with water, I had a breathing mask on me but I couldn’t move, like my body didn’t want to move, kind of like a dream, next to me was [redacted] in a similar water tube, both tubes were hooked to this huge tube with some kind of big creature in it.
I: Creature? One of ours?
S5: not that I recognized, I was slipping in and out of consciousness and the water made it hard to see and hear, I could tell we were on the R&D floor where the scientist’s tend to hang out though and I also saw that weird electric contained and some naked lady with long hair.
I: that was more than likely Big Sister 10 and… what color was her hair?
S5: Black, definitely black  
I: then that was more than likely Big Sister #1, what all did you hear them discus.
S5: again, I was fading in and out, I caught bits and pieces, something about the “head of Ididian”, “Maul”, and something else about “human and contained required” for something… I don’t remember it all. I did see at several points when waking up what looked like Big sister 10, a robot, and other contained bringing in other people I thought.
I: do you recall anything else?
S5: no, im sorry.
I: Of note also Mr. [redacted] your files show you as being 230 pounds… you didn’t look it at the time of us finding you. While you were recovering in medical bay we weighed you. You currently only weigh about 92 pounds…
S5: I was not aware; did that crazy bitch do something to me?
I: we aren’t sure, but we intend to find out, we almost have all the pieces of the puzzle so to speak. Last question. Did you at any point come into contact with First Lieutenant C. Montgomery Maul at any point during your capture?
S5: no, no I did not.
I: that will be all; I’ll have an SRC agent escort you back to medical--
S5: oh I do remember now, she was working on something, Big sister #1… I kept hearing one word over and over again from her…


“No Zero day” death count is estimated to be 158 and 33 Contained at this point.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Journal 39

Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor 4
Interviewer: Please state your occupation.
Survivor 4: why? I was told when I started here that you have all my info on file? When can I see my little girl, she’s with my aunt, I don’t know what you guys have told them.
I: They’re fine; all family members were informed of an “incident” at the building, without giving too much detail, with the exception of a few concerned mothers and fathers we covered everything, also this is for the record Mr. [redacted]
S4: oh, okay then, I work for Ididian 7, I watch the security feeds for the northeast sections of Floors 8, 5, 9, 22, b2, and 6.
I: I see, and where were you when the event known as “No Zero days” began?
S4: I was in my guard room, when the security blast doors came down. Shortly after that the power went out. Lucky me; but thanks to Ididian protocols though all security rooms act as mini safe rooms so I had plenty of food and water to wait for rescue.
I: good to hear, if I may ask, how did you pass the time? You were in there for a very, very, long time.
S4: I had picked up my daughters ball in the driveway the day the incident went down. Luckily I had it in my bag, so I just bounced it all day on the walls. The doors were locked so I was trapped and had nothing else to do but wait. Bounce it till I fell asleep, and repeat. For some reason none of my electronics worked even my cellphone wouldn’t come on. Was it some kind of EMP or something?
I: from what we can figure, the contained known as Big Sister 10 had used her electricity abnormality to short out the buildings power sources.
S4: I see, that’s pretty scary, jeez. Well I don’t know which day it was as there was no light coming in but at one point my door got punched in.
I: Im sorry, “Punched in”?
S4: yea, a straight up hole in the door. It was that big stone one they brought in--
I: Big Sister 7? How did you survive when she got in?
S4: OH no, she wasn’t trying to get in just walking down the halls punching the walls and doors every few feet. I think, and I’m not sure of this, she was looking for Stress weaknesses in the building for a point she could escape. That’s when Big Sister #1 yelled in our brains again somehow, saying she was tired of looking Captain C. Montgomery Maul--
I: First Lieutenant
S4: yeah, First Lieutenant C. Montgomery Maul and the head of Ididian, Mr. [redacted], in the building and had found the “keys” to some interesting friends to hunt them down.
I: “keys”?
S4: I have no idea, you and I both know the cell doors don’t work that way. All Dna, retinal, and voice locked, if the power goes out the cells shut down and you can’t get in or out. At this point, I saw what I thought were dogs run past the hole Sister 7 had made. I peeked through and saw, I want to say, about 9 contained running in the direction Big Sister #7 was moving in. These things were booking it, since Sister 7 was moving so slowly they were on her in a heartbeat.
I: then?
S4: they fought, She was fighting all of them at once, it was crazy, I think I saw Sister 7 absorb or eat 2 of them, but they kept fighting she managed to kill about 3 of em, then I saw more come past the hole I was looking through. At this point I ducked under my desk in hopes they didn’t see me, I did not go back to look until I heard the tussling slowly die down.
I: The fight stopped?
S4: no, it just faded out, like it went on further than I could hear.
I: I see, and were there any other incidents till we found you after that?
S4: none sir.
I: Also, did you happen to see First Lieutenant C. Montgomery Maul at any time during the No Zero days event
S4: no, sir.
I: that will be all, thank you for your time Mr. [redacted]
S4: okay, good, I just let me know when I can go home…

“No Zero day” death count is estimated to be 125 and 21 Contained at this point.