My name is [redacted] I work for Ididian Containment as a low level
security officer. To pass the time I've been making these journals during
shifts, little sketches of what I see here every night.
If you are reading this, something has happened to me...
And you are in grave danger.
Journal 3:
Today I was asked by a higher ranking (and pretty attractive) science
officer to accompany them to feed Contained #14562. This one is way above my
usual danger level and was briefed for an hour for this simple 2 minute excursion.
Seems this thing is from [redacted] and apparently aspects of the religious
texts of [redacted] and [redacted] are true.
The main thing about Contained #14562 is that it never moves. It’s under
constant surveillance; seems that it remains inert until a biological entity
comes within at least 7 meters of it. When within range, it becomes active, At which
point if living eyes (more on this in a second, cause its trippy) are not
within constant vision of it, it skins and “debones” all biological matter in
the area.
My job was to basically stare at the thing for 2 minutes ( I found blinking
one eye at a time helped) while the science officer left a living pig for it to
devour. Apparently the damn thing has to be feed 2 times a month, as per [redacted]
When I asked why not just send drones or robot in with the big, they explained,
that while contained #14562 was motionless, they believe it is biding its time
for an escape. We don’t know if it can decipher between humans and non-humans,
but don’t want to risk it.
This thing has the potential of wiping out the whole building and the
surrounding countryside in less than an hour if left unchecked.
Can you believe this crazy F’ing thing is only ranked a 3 danger level (out
of 5, 5 being the highest)
Hope I never have to go to the lower floors and see the higher ranked containments…
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