Saturday, March 4, 2017

Journal 30

My name is [redacted] I work for Ididian Containment as a low level security officer. To pass the time I've been making these journals during shifts, little sketches of what I see here every night.

If you are reading this, something has happened to me...
And you are in grave danger.
Journal 30
Big sister 6
Can’t spend too long on this one, Ididian 6 (where SRC (Supernatural Response and Capture) are…were trained) sent this horrifying thing.
Big Sister 6 is a humanoid born in [redacted] in the year [redacted]; at the age of 12 she started showing violent tendencies to family authority figures. It was during this time that her parents… (ummm) ripped out their own throats and strangled each other with their esophagus’s. After this, Sister 6 refused to speak again; she was put into foster care, the orphanage kept poor records however, what little that could be gleamed from her history is spotty at best. What is known is that all caregivers she was given died under mysteries circumstances…
Stabbed themselves to death…
Clawed out their own organs…
Strangled themselves with a baby’s umbilical cord…
Drowned themselves in a glass of water…
Ripped out their own eyes to [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]…
There’s like 4 pages of this.
  It was after the family of an Ididian backer committed a duodecuple murder/suicide that the company got involved.
It was discovered her voice sends all those who hear it into a murderous and suicidal rampage, the effects only last for about an hour, but that seems to be all it takes, Big Sister 6 is also not immune to these effects herself, however the affect seems to be amplified with her as the last year it has been discovered her own thoughts can trigger the madness. She is usually kept confined in a straitjacket and specially modified muzzle to keep her from making any sounds. The SRC use her to train new recruits in surviving abnormal effects in the field, strapping them in and having her speak to them for 2 mins.
3 weeks ago her cell door failed and she walked out, in her delirium she was able to somehow smash the muzzle, make her way to the intercom system, killing 2 guards and the security giving announcements on the loud speaker at the time. She spoke 2 words into the speaker…
232 guards…dead.
134 non-essential personnel…dead.
243 SRC agents…dead
365 Contained… dead

There were only 4 survivors, a SRC agent who luckily had his earphones on at the time (whom waited out the maddness and was able to subdue Big Sister 6) and 3 Contained who didn’t have ears.
Ididian 6 is to be closed indefinitely.
As for sister 6 her new temp cell is, rather unquie. She is now wearing a new muzzle designed to force a lethal level of cyanide down her throat should she try to remove it, and a specially modified collar, should she try to remove the muzzle that will inject her with 87 grams of cyanide, all while she is above 220 pounds of acid, ready to drop her if she tries to escape. She is to be fed through a feeding tube once every 9 hours.
And the words she said over the intercom speakers…

“They’re coming”

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