Ididian Incident report form:
[Please do not sign above this line]
The following report is for incident # 8542, hereby known as “No Zero days”
Since Ididian 7 lost all power during this time no security footage could
be found, so we will be having our onsite artist depict the events to hopefully
show a clearer time line of what transpired.
Survivor report 18
(The following takes place 1 week after the events known as “No Zero Days”)
[Young woman enters the interview room and salutes]
Young woman: ATTENTION! Captain C. Montgomery Maul entering.
[Maul enters room]
Captain C. Montgomery Maul: I told you already, you don’t have to do that
with every room I enter Emily.
Emily: Sir yes sir.
Maul: hello Thomas…I was told to give you a report.
Interviewer: Yes, I called you, I wasn’t aware you would be bringing the…”Contained”
with you…
M: Where I go, she goes, you have a problem with that, take it up with your
E: Yea, you JERK!!
M: Emily…Superiors…
E Yea, you JERK…sir.
M: Good girl.
I: The memorial is in a few days and I’d rather not have loose contained
running around, can you give me your report on them?
E: the entities known as Big Sister #6, 9, and 10, the crazy one, the
Hornet one, and the electric one, respectively, are in the wind sir… no trace.
We have a lead on Big Sister #1 but as far as we can tell she is still on the
move. Big Sister #7 escaped but later came back peacfully. Said she just wanted
to see if her old family home was still up and apologized for the inconvenience.
After banishing the creature known as Big sister #0 to god knows where, Big
sister #3, the angel one, is back to being missing, which is back to being
normal for that thing I guess.
The Big Sisters known as 2, 5, 8, 11 and 12 were all cremated as per Ididian
protocols 7. The ashes of Big sister 11 were given to Ididian 5 for them to
have a private ceremony.
During the event known as “No Zero Days” 44 of our most dangerous Contained
escaped. Myself, Emily, Johnny and a small Unit--
I: your precious black ops team “the Unit”?
M: I have no idea what you’re taking about, sir.
[Young woman looks over the shoulder of our on-site artist]
E: my chest is way rounder than that and you need to work on your line
weights and shadows.
E: sorry sir…
M: We plan to hunt down the missing big sisters and the other 44, alive,
I: you and this little freak?
E: yea, him and “freak”, sir.
I: hmmm, fine, then you’ll have company backing level 2.
M: Thank you, sir.
I: That is all, I expect you and the freak to be at the ceremony in the
next few days Captain, is that clear?
M: Crystal, sir.
I: that is all, dismissed.
[Young woman and Maul begin to exit interview room]
I: One more thing… Big Sis--Emily… I was told that before C.J. died you
were told something. I’m curious… What were C.J.’s last words to you? That made
you draw and summon Big sister #3…
E: Before C.J. let go? Yea, I think about it every night…
“You’re not their monster”
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